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Monday, April 23, 2012

Macromedia The Document window:

The Document window:
Launching FreeHand displays the Document window and the pasteboard-the area that contains the pages of your document.
The Document window contains all your documents' objects. Objects must be placed on a page in order to be printed with the Print command; if they are placed on the pasteboard outside of page boundaries, you cannot print them using the Print Area command. For more information about the Print Area command: the pasteboard measures up to 222 x 222 inches and can hold 520 letter-sized pages, you can customize the buttons, tabbed panels, and toolbars. For more information on panels and toolbars: if you modify a document without saving it, an asterisk appears next to the document name in the Document window. 

Using Panels:
FreeHand panels float on top of the pasteboard and can be repositioned anywhere onscreen. You can move, separate, or combine these customizable tabbed panels by dragging their tabs. To make a panel active, you click the panel's tab.
You can also zip and unzip panels by clicking the Maximize or Minimize button. 

The following panels and inspectors are grouped together:
v  Swatches, Layers, and Styles panels
v  Color Mixer and Tints panels

The Halftones and Library panels are not grouped with any other panels by default, but you can group them if you wish.

To switch between open panels:
v  Press Ctrl+Tab

To show or hide all open panels:
v  Choose View > Panels.

To group panels:
Drag a panel by its tab to another panel or panel group. 

To remove a panel from a group:
Drag the panel by its tab from the panel group.

To return panels to their default positions:
1.      Exit FreeHand.
2.      Locate the English folder within the FreeHand 10 application folder and delete the Fhprefs.txt.

To store panels in a zipped or unzipped position:
1.      Choose Edit > Preferences. Click Panels.
2.      Select Remember Location of Zipped Panels.
When this option is selected, a zipped panel can be stored in one location and return to is original location when unzipped.

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