Adobe Page Maker 7.0
Adobe PageMaker is Application software, which is developed by Adobe Corporation U.S.A. We can create file, designing logo, designing visiting cards, weddings cards, Letterhead, Brochure, Calendar, book publishing and newspaper setting etc.
In spite of above mentioned matters, there are many other features available in Adobe PageMaker, which help us to furnish a document in such a way that we can produce the professional outlook. Now a day, Adobe PageMaker is considered as the best word processing and publishing software. It is specially use in printing press and office.
1. How to Start Adobe PageMaker 7.0
· Click on Start button.
· Then click on programs and click on adobe then click on adobe PageMaker 7.0.
· Click on Start button and click on run command. (Dialog box appears)
· Then type pm70 in box and click on ok button. (Then adobe PageMaker window appears)
2. How to Show/Hide Tool Bars:
· Click on Window menu.
· Click on Show Control Palettes.
· Click on Show Tools Bar.
· Click on Color Box. (Note: To hide these tools we can do same process conversely)
3. Introduction of Tools:
· Pointer tool: This tool is used to select, move and resize text or object.
· Text tool: This tool is used to type, select and edit text. Drag the mouse can require typing area and double click on text tool to set Character Specification.
· Rotate Tool: It is used to select and rotate and skew the selected object.
· Cropping Tool: It is used to remove unwanted portion of the bitmap image.
· Line Tool: It is used to remove unwanted portion of the bitmap image.
· Straight Line Tool: It is used to draw vertical to horizontal lines without using shift key.
· Rectangle Tool: It is used to draw rectangles and use shift key to draw perfectly square and double click on rectangle tool to get rounded corner dialog box.
· Rectangle Frame Tool: This tool is used to draw rectangle or square and to type text within it.
· Ellipse Tool: It is used to draw ellipse (oval) or circles. Use shift key to draw perfectly circle.
· Ellipse Frame Tool: This tool is used to draw oval or circle and to type text within it.
· Polygon Tool: This tool is used to draw polygon or tar as requirement. Double click on this tool to get polygon setting dialog box. You increase no of sides of polygon.
· Polygon frame Tool: This tool is used to draw polygon or star and to type text within it.
· Hand Tool: This tool is used to draw polygon or star and to type text within it.
· Hand Tool: This tool is used to move page within its window. By pressing alt key we can also move our page.
· Zoom Tool: This tool is used to zoom in or zoom out the view of page.
File Menu
1. How to Create New Document:
· Click on file menu and click on New. (New dialogue box will be displayed)
· Choose your require paper size, paper orientation style, number of pages, paper setup then click on ok button.
2. How to Change measurement Scale by "Preferences: Preferences option is used to change the 'measurements in & vertical ruler".
· Click on File menu then choose Preferences. (Preference dialog box will be displayed)
· Choose "Measurements n" select one of the options: Inches, Millimeter, Paces, and Decimal etc.
· Similarly choose vertical ruler also then click on ok button.
3. Open: Opens an existing PageMaker publication or template file. By default it opens the original publication or a copy of the template file.
· Choose file menu then click on Open option. (A dialogue box will display)
· Select the publication you want to open.
· Then click on ok button. (Your require file will open)
4. Recent Publication: Lists the last eight PageMaker publications you opened and saved. To quickly open a recently-saved publication:
· Choose file menu.
· Click on Recent Publications.
· Select the publication you want to open from the Recent Publications menu.
5. Close: Closes the active publication. To close all open publications at once, press shift as you select this command from the file menu.
· To close the active publication without exiting PageMaker, choose file then close option.
· Then your opening program (Adobe PageMaker) will be close.
6. Save: Stores the active publication in a file with the same name or prompts you for a name if the file hasn't been saved yet. After saving, you can continue to work in your publication. Save often to avoid accidental loss of your work. Unavailable if the active publication has not been changed since the last save.
· Choose file menu then choose save option.
· Select a folder in which to store the saved file then type the file name from the list.
· Then click on save.
7. Save As: Lets you rename your publication or template or save it to a different disk or folder. Unlike the save command. Save as also compresses your file, making its file size as small as possible. To save a publication with a new name or in a different location:
· Choose file menu then choose save as option.
· Select a folder in which to store the saved file then type the new file name
· Then click on save. (your file will save in your require file name and location)
8. Revert: Removes all changes to the active publication since you last saved it. Press shift as you choose Revert to cancel changes since the last mini-save. Several operations cause mini-saves, including turning, deleting or inserting pages, printing and copying or pasting objects to the Clipboard. To abandon all changes and display the most recently saved version of your publication:
· Choose file menu then choose Revert option.
· Click on ok in the alert that appears.
9. Place: This command helps us to import graphic, text and spreadsneet or database files into the publication. The options available depend on what is selected when you choose this command. The files you can place depend in part on the import filters installed into PageMaker program.
· Click on file menu. Then click on place command. (A dialog box will be displayed)
· Choose your desire location where your file is stay.
· "Files of type" must be in Rich text format then click on convert quotes.
· At last click on open.
10. Acquire: Use acquire option to import TIFF images created in a separate device into your publication, without leaving PageMaker. Your device must support TWAIN, a cross-platform interface, in order for you to take advantage of this feature.
Select Source: Select which TWA In-compatible device to use to create and import and TIFF image without leaving PageMaker.
· Click on File then choose Acquire and select Source.
· Select the input device.
· Click on ok button.
11. Export: This option for creating new files from elements within a publication.
12. Link Manager: Lets you view link status, update, and manage linked files in the active publication. This option is used to replace the image.
· Select the Image and click on file menu.
· Click on Link manager then a dialogue box will display.
· Click on info option.
· Choose anyone; image from given option and click on open.
· Click on ok button.
13. Page Numbering: This option is used to insert the page Number in current document.
· Select the Text Tool from tools box.
· Drag your page numbering alignment. (left, right, and center)
· Press (Alt+Ctrl+P)
- Click on File menu and click on document setup. (Document setup dialogue box will be displayed)
- Click on "Numbers" button. (Page numbering dialogue box will display)
- Choose anyone number style.
14. Document Set Up: Lets you change settings for a publication, first defined when you chose new, such as page size, number of pages, and page-numbering, margins are applied to the document master page.
· Click on file menu, and then click on document set up command. (Dialog box appears)
· Choose the paper size, require orientation style and type the number of pages.
· Choose the margin and click on ok button.
15. To Remove Double Sided Page:
· Click on file menu and choose document setup.
· Click on double sided in options and click on ok.
16. Printer Styles: Lets you save, remove and apply prnt settings to any publication. You can define a printer style to ensure that your publications print consistently to a specific printer, without resetting all print dialog box options for each print job.
17. Print: Prints a publication or book on a printer or to a disk as a PostScript file. The printing options available depend on the printer you are using.
· Click on file menu and choose print option. (A dialogue box will be open)
· Choose your require pages, paper size, choose require setup etc. then click on print.
18. Preference: Controls various settings that apply to publication-wide behavior, such as font substitution and viewing text and graphics.
Element Menu
1. Undo: Lets you reverse your last action. The undo command reverses only the most recent action.
· Click on edit menu.
· Click on Undo command (Undo command reverses only the most recent action)
2. Cut: Moves the selected text or objects from the publication to the clipboard, removing them from the page. Unavailable if nothing is selected or no publication is open.
· Select the removing text or object.
· Click on edit menu and click on cut. (Your selected text or objects will remove)
3. Copy: Copies the selected text or graphics to the clipboard. The original objects remain on the page or in the story view window.
· After selecting text or graphic.
· Click on edit menu then click on copy. (Your selected text or graphics will be copy)
4. Paste: You can use the past command to transfer text or graphics from one page to another within a PageMaker publication or between publications.
· At first copy the text or object.
· Then place the cursor where you want to put this text or graphics before you copy.
· Click on Past. (Your require text or graphics will transfer)
5. Clear: Deletes the selected text or graphic. Choosing clear is the same as pressing the Delete key. You cannot paste a cleared object, because it is not on the clipboard.
· Select the deleting text or graphics.
· Click on edit menu then clear. (Your selected text will deletes)
6. Select All: Selects everything on the visible page or facing pages, and the pasteboard. Each selected object has visible handles and all selected objects can be cut or copied to the clipboard or cleared.
· Click on edit menu.
· Click on Select All command then you can be able to cut or copied to the clipboard and to change effects.
7. Deselect All: Deselects everything on the visible page or facing pages, and the pasteboard. Unavailable if no publication is open.
· Click on Edit menu and click on deselect all.
8. Past Multiple: Lets you duplicate selected objects by specifying the number of copies you want and their numerical offset from the original object.
· Select the text or graphics. (Which you want to make duplicate copy)
· Click on copy from edit menu.
· Click on past multiple. (Paste multiple dialogue box will display)
· Type the numerical value in paste multiple horizontal offset and vertical offset and click on ok.
9. Past Special: Lets you specify the format in which you want to paste the clipboard contents. Paste link option pastes an object from an OLE server into the publication. Unavailable if no publication is open or if the clipboard does not contain an OLE object or if no OLE servers are available on your computer.
· Select your require object or text.
· Click on edit menu and click on Paste special.
· Choose your require paste format and click on paste.
10. Fill: This command is used to fill color in the drawn object. E.g. rectangular, ellipse or polygon.
· Draw a box and picture and select it.
· Then click on element menu and click on fill command.
· And choose the color of fill style by clicking.
11. Insert Object: This option is used to insert the picture in current document. Lets you launch an OLE server application in which you create an object, which is then pasted as an OLE-embedded object into the current publication.
· Click on edit menu and choose insert object option. (Object dialogue box will display)
· Choose Microsoft clip gallery or Microsoft word Picture.
· Click on ok. (Clip art gallery dialogue box will display)
· Choose any one picture icon, select the insert clip then click on ok.
12. Edit Story: Opens the editor story to show the story currently selected, or opens a new story window if no text is selected.
· Click on edit menu and click on edit Story. (Edit story dialogue box will display)
· Type the text as you like.
· Click on edit and choose edit layout.
13. Insert Object: Lets you launch an OLE server application in which you create an object which is then pasted as an OLE-embedded object into the current publication. Unavailable if no publication is open or if no OLE servers are available on your computer. To import a linked OLE object by pasting:
· In the source application, create and save the text or graphic you want to import.
· Select the text or graphic and copy it to the clipboard.
· Activate the PageMaker publication and then choose edit and paste special. In the paste special dialog box, click paste link.
· Click on ok button.
Layout Menu
1. Go To: Turns to another page or master page in the active publication.
· Click on Layout menu and choose go to page. (Go page dialogue box will be display)
· Insert the page no where you want to go.
· Click on ok button.
2. Insert Pages: Lets you add pages to a publication before or after the current page or insert new pages between two facing pages, and specifies the master applied to new pages.
· First choose the required page where you want to insert pages after or before it.
· Go to layout menu and click on insert pages. (Insert pages dialog box will be appear)
· Define required no of pages, how many you want to insert.
· Choose either after or before the current page.
· Choose document master by clicking on dropdown arrow of master page, if you want to show the effect of master page into the inserted page otherwise, choose none.
· Click on insert.
3. Remove Page: Deletes the designated range of pages in a publication, including the text and graphics on those pages.
· Click on Layout and choose Remove pages. (Remove page dialogue box will display)
· Fill the option and click on ok button.
· Again click on ok button.
4. Go Back: Lets you return to the previous page in the sequence of pages you have viewed since you opened a publication.
· Click on layout menu and choose go back option. (Your page will go back)
5. Go Forward: Lets you advance to the next page in the sequence of pages you have viewed since you opened a publication. Unavailable if you have reached the end of the sequence of pages you have viewed, or if you navigate to a page using a control or command other than go forward or go back.
· Click on Layout menu and choose go forward. (Your required page will go forward)
6. Column Guides: Specifies the number of columns and the amount of space between the columns on the page.
· Click on Layout menu and choose column guides. (Column guides dialogue box will display)
· Type the number of column guides and click on adjust layout.
· Then click on ok button.
7. Copy Master Guides: Displays on the current pages the non-printing guides on the master page currently applied. Useful if you moved the guides on the page and want to reset them quickly.
· Click on Layout menu and click on copy master guides.
8. Auto Flow: When checked, text flows into available columns until there's no more text to place. Pages are added to the end of the publication if necessary. Switch between manual and automatic flow by pressing ctrl while text is flowing.
· Click on Layout menu and choose auto flow option.
· When you have text to place on a page, PageMaker displays a loaded text icon. Click the icon to flow text into the frame or column you click or drag to define a new custom size text block. You can load a text icon in several ways.
· Use the file and choose place command to import a word processed document or another PageMaker story into layout view. After PageMaker imports the file, the pointer becomes a loaded text icon then see placing.
Type Menu
1. Font: This option is used to change the different font name in the selected text or document.
· Select the text and click on Type menu.
· Clink on font and choose anyone font name from the list.
2. Size: This option is used to change the different font size in selected text.
· Select the text and click on type menu.
· Click on size then choose the font size of text.
3. Text Style: This option is used to change the different type style in selected text.
· Select the text and click on type menu.
· Click on type style and choose any one effect. (Bold, Normal, Italic etc)
4. Leading: This option is used to see line spacing in the selected text.
· Select the text and click on type menu.
· Click on leading then choose anyone leading size.
5. Expert Tracking: This option is used to show the character spacing in selected text.
· Select the text and click on type menu and expert tracking.
· Select any one effect (Normal , loose, large etc).
6. Horizontal Scale: It is used to change the space between texts.
· Select the document and click on type menu and horizontal scale.
· Choose anyone percentage.
7. Character: Lets you select the font for a selected range of text, a default for a single publication, a default for all future publications or the next text you place or type in.
· Select the text, which you want to change.
· Click on type menu and click on character. (Character dialogue box will display)
· Choose anyone font size, font name, leading etc.
· Click on ok.
8. Paragraph: Sets the paragraph-level attributes for a single paragraph for text placed into PageMaker, for part of a style, or for the default settings.
· Select the text and go to type menu.
· Click on paragraph and it will display a dialogue box.
· Set the different indents no. left, right, first line etc.
· Click on ok.
9. Indent and Tabs: Sets the left and right indents, the first-line indent and the tabs. You can use indents/tabs for a selected range of text, for text placed into PageMaker for part of a style or for the default settings.
· Select the data and click on type menu then on indent/tabs. (Dialogue box will be display)
· Set the tab position and click on Apply.
· Click on ok.
To remove the tab Effect:
· Select the data and click on type menu then choose tabs. (Tab position will display)
· Touch the tab position and drag down.
10. Hyphenation: Controls PageMaker hyphenation. You can turn hyphenation on or off for a selected paragraph from the hyphenation dialog box or for a style from within the define styles dialog box.
· Select the document.
· Click on type menu and choose hyphenation. (Hyphenation dialogue box will display)
· Click on manual plus dictionary.
· Click on ok.
11. Alignment Style: Allow you to change the alignment of text at the paragraph level. You can choose to align left, align center, align right, justify or force justify.
· Click on type menu and choose alignment style.
· Choose you needed alignment style.
12. Style: Lets you apply styles already defined in the styles palette on the paragraph level. PageMaker applies the style to all paragraphs in the selected text, even if only part of a paragraph is selected.
· Select your text which text you want to change style.
· Click on type menu and choose style.
· Choose your desire style.
13. Define Style: Lets you create and edit paragraph styles for text typed in or placed into PageMaker.
Element Menu
1. Fill: Lets you specify a pattern when drawing a rectangle, ellipse, or polygon. A fill pattern can also be applied to a selected box or oval. With the exception of none, the patterns are opaque, hiding whatever is behind them.
· Draw a rectangular box or circle.
· Click on element menu and click on fill.
· Choose anyone design.
2. Stroke: Specifies the line weight and pattern for the rectangle, ellipse, or polygon tool. You can specify other line weights in one-tenth of point increments up to 800 points.
· Draw a line/rectangle/circle and select it.
· Click on element menu and choose stroke.
· Choose anyone line style.
3. Fill and Stroke : Lets the fill and stroke attributes for a selected object, including whether the fill or stroke overprints or knocks out objects in the background.
· Select any required object. Then click on Element Menu.
· And click on fill and stroke command then choose the fill and stroke style and color.
· At last click on ok button.
4. Arrange: This function helps to arrange the overlapped objects overlapping one by another. You can send the object to back or bring it to the front.
· Select the required object. Then click on Element menu.
· And click on arrange command.
· Then select the option as your requirement.
5. Group: To group the selected objects. There must be two or more than two objects for grouping object into single one.
· Select more than one object or text to be grouped.
· Then click on element menu, and click at group command.
6. Ungroup: It separates the group objects.
· Select the grouped object or text. Then click on element menu.
· And click on ungroup command.
Utilities Menu
1. Plug-ins Menu: There are some commands inside plug-ins which are useful for us given below.
2. Bullet and Numbering: Some when you need to mark the important paragraphs with special character e.g. Bullets or Number. At that time you can solve the problem with the help of this command.
· Select the required paragraph then click on Utilities Menu.
· Then click on Plug-ins and click on bullets and numbering.
· Click on bullets or numbers button to define bullets or number format.
· Then click on edit button of bullet screen to define more bullets font, name, size and symbol and click on ok button.
3. Change Case: The text we typed can be divided in different cases, e.g. UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case, and Sentence case etc.
· Select the text or paragraph then click on Utilities menu.
· And click on Plug-ins command and choose change case.
4. Drop Cap: Lets you drop the first character of the paragraph up to the lines you defined.
· Place the cursor at the required paragraph where want to define drop cap effects.
· Then click on Utilities menu and click on Plug-ins command.
· Click on apply and click on next for another drop cap define.
· If you want to remover the drop cap click on remove button.
· Click on ok button.
5. Word Counter: It counts the number of words lines, paragraphs, and pages on your publication.
· Select the required text and click on Utilities menu.
· And click on Plug-ins then select word counter.
· Then display the information and click on close it.
ReplyDeleteGreat set of tips from the master himself. Excellent ideas. Thanks for Awesome tips Keep it up
Adobe PageMaker Crack
Fraps Crack