Macromedia FreeHand
Macromedia Freehand is application software which is developed by Macromedia Corporation, U.S.A. It is especially used in graphic designing. In the market user generally use this application for magazine, newsletter, book, advertisement, pam-plate and many different types of hand designing or publishing. We can get different up-grade versions in the market.
How to Load?
· Click on Start menu and choose program.
· Click on Macromedia then click on Macromedia FreeHand. (You will get FreeHand screen)
1. Pointer Tool: This tool is used to select, move or resize objects.
2. Pen Tool: Draw paths by place in curve, corner, and connector points, adjusting them as you draw. The pen tool draws a curved path as a Bezier curve.
3. Bezigon Tool: Draw straight lines and arcs by placing curve, corner, and connector points.
4. Eyedropper Tool: This tool is used to pick the color one figure to another.
5. Text Tool: This tool is used to insert a text block.
6. Arc Tool: This tool is used to insert arc-figure.
7. Spiral Tool: This tool is used to make the spiral in the required place.
8. Line Tool: This tool is used to make the line in the required place.
9. Ellipse Tool: This tool is used to make ellipse or circle in the required place.
10. Rectangular Tool: This tool is used to insert a rectangular box or square.
11. Polygon Tool: This tool is used to insert a multisided figures like hexagon, tetragon etc.
12. Knife Tool: This tool cuts a selected, ungrouped path, yielding either open or closed paths. For this select a path and drag the knife tool across the path.
13. Freeform Tool: Push or pull any part of the path. The freeform tool automatically adds points, deletes points or changes point type along the path as you edit the path.
14. Rotate Tool: Use the transform panel to rotate an object at a precise angle.
15. Scale Tool: Use the transform panel to scale an object by an exact percentage.
16. Skew Tool: Use the transform panel to skew an object at a precise angle.
17. Trace Tool: Trace any type of object that can appear on screen in a freehand document. The trace tool automatically traces graphics according to the settings in the trace tool dialog box.
18. Perspective Tool: Use the perspective tool to attach an object to the perspective grid to give it a three-dimensional appearance.
19. Page Tool: This tool is used to add, modify, duplicate and delete pages.
20. Zoom Tool: The zoom tool lets you magnify or reduce the display of any area in your publication. You can also double-click the tool to jump to Actual size, or press Alt as you double-click the tool to go to fit in Window view.
File Menu
1. Revert: Erases all changes made to the document since the last save. You cannot undo the revert command.
2. Import: This command is used to import the text or document which is exported from another program.
· Click on file menu and click on import.
· Choose you required file name.
· Click on open.
· Click on any-one place.
3. Export: This command is used to export the required text or document, one program to another.
· Click on file menu and click on export.
· Type the file name in the file name box.
· Click on save.
4. Report: This command is used to view the report option in the required file.
· Click on file and click on report.
· Click on ok.
· Type the file name in the filename box.
· Click on cancel.
5. Collect for output: The collect for output command gathers components needed to print the current document and copies those components to a common location.
· Click on file menu and click on collect for output.
· Choose default option.
· Click on ok.
6. Print: Printing from FreeHand is straightforward, even when you require high-resolution, professional quality output, Powerful, prepress capabilities include the following:
· Click on file menu and click on print.
· Set the available option.
· Click on ok.
7. Publish HTML: Use Freehand's publish as HTML feature to instantly convert your FreeHand document to a web page.
· Click on file menu and click on publish to HTML.
· Type the file name and click on save as HTML.
· Click on close.
8. Preference: This command is used to set the different type option in the freehand program.
· Click on file menu and click on preference.
· Set the available option.
· Click on ok.
9. Customize Toolbar: The form. Location and contents of all toolbars are customizable. The status bar is customizable only in windows.
· Click on file menu and select on customize.
· Click on toolbar, (Choose the any one toolbar command) Click on ok.
10. Shortcuts: Use the shortcuts panel in the customize dialog box to change current keyboard shortcuts or to assign shortcuts to commands that have no shortcuts types of commands.
· Click on file menu and click on customize.
· Click on shortcuts. (Set the available short cut key)
· Click on assign.
· Click on close. (We can see different types of shortcut)
Edit Menu
1. Copy Special: Makes a copy of selected objects and stores it on the FreeHand clipboard in the specified format.
· Type the text or document.
· Select it and click on edit menu.
· Click on Copy special and choose your required program.
· Click on ok.
2. Paste Special: Places objects stored on the clipboard into the active document in the format you select. This is useful for controlling the format in which items from other applications are pasted into FreeHand.
· Click on edit menu and click on paste special.
· Choose any one program and click on ok.
3. Pate in Front: Pastes an object stored on the FreeHand clipboard directly in front of a selected object in the stacking order.
4. Past Behind: Pastes an object stored on the FreeHand clipboard directly behind a selected object in the stacking order.
· Click on edit menu and click on paste behind.
4. Pate Inside: Use paste inside to crop or mask an object within a closed path which is copied.
· Select the any one figure.
· Click on edit menu and click on paste inside.
5. Attributes: Copies the attributes of the selected objects or text to special attributes only clipboard during the current freehand session until copy attributes is performed again.
· Select the required figure.
· Click on edit menu and click on copy an attributes.
· Select the logo
· Click on edit menu and click on paste on attributes.
6. Paste on attributes: This command is used to paste the required color which is copy on attributed.
· Select the required logo.
· Click edit menu
· Click on paste on attributes.
7. Duplicate: This command is used to duplicate in the text or document which is selected
· Make the text or document and select it.
· Click on edit menu and click on duplicate.
8. Clone: Creates an exact copy of the selected object and positions it directly on top of the original.
· Make the text or document and select it.
· Click on edit menu and click on clone.
9. Select:
All: This command is used to select the whole text or document.
· Click on edit menu and select on select.
· Click on all.
All in document: This command is used to select the whole the text or document.
· Click on edit menu and select on select.
· Click on all in document.
None: This command is used to deselect the whole text or document which is selected.
· Click on edit menu and click on select.
· Click on none.
Invert Selection: This command is used to reselect the whole text or document which is deselected.
· Click on edit menu and select on select.
· Click on invert selection.
10. Find & Replace:
Text: This command is used to find the text.
· Place the courser in the beginning text.
· Click on edit and click n find and replace.
· Click on text.
· Type the text which you want to find out.
· Click on find.
Click on ok. Graphic: This command is used to change the required color one figure to another figure.
· Click on edit and click on find and replace. Click on graphic.
· Choose the required color and click on change.
· Click on close.
11. External editor: This command is used to view the required file which is imported.
· Click on edit menu and select on external editor.
· Click on close.
12. Links: This command is used to view the required file information which is imported files.
· Click on edit menu and click on links.
· Click on ok.
View Menu
1. Fit All: Changes the view so all pages fit inside the document window.
· Click on view menu.
· Click on fit all.
2. Fit Selection: Changes the view so all selected objects fit inside the document window.
· Click on view menu and click on fit selection.
3. Fit to Page: Changes the view so the entire active page fits inside the document window.
· Click on view menu and click on fit selection.
4. Magnification: Reduces or enlarges the document view at present or custom percentages. To adjust magnification, choose a percentage from the magnification pop-up at the lower-left corner of the document window, or enter a value between 6 and 246,000.
· Click on view and click on magnification.
· Choose any one percentage number style.
5. Hide Selection: This command specially used to hide specific objects. For this
· Select the object and then choose view menu.
· Click on hide selection.
6. Show All: To show all hidden objects.
· Click on view menu and click on show all.
7. Toolbar: This command is used to hide the whole toolbar in the freehand screen.
8. Panels: Shows or hides all panels except the toolbox.
9. Page Ruler: Shows or hides the horizontal and vertical rulers in the document window.
10. Text Ruler: Shows or hides text rulers on the top of text blocks.
11. Grid: This shows or hides a non-printing grid. For use this;
· Click on view menu.
· Select grid.
· Click on show.
Modify Menu
1. Transform:
Scale: Use the transform panel to scale an object by an exact percentage. Select the object, enter settings in the transform panel, and click apply.
· Make the figure and select it.
· Click on modify menu and select on transform.
· Click on scale.
· Type the scale number in the scale box then press enter.
Move: Move objects by precise distances, as entered in the transform panel.
· Make the figure and select it.
· Click on modify menu and select on transform.
· Click on move.
· Type the move number in the x-axis and y-axis box then press enter.
Rotate: Rotate a selected object around a fixed point.
· Make the required figure and select it.
· Click on modify menu and click on transform.
· Type the round number in the rot onion angle box then press enter.
Reflect: Flip a selected object horizontally or vertically.
· Make the required figure and select it.
· Click on modify menu and click on transform.
· Now type the reflect number then press enter.
2. Arrange:
Bring to Front: Moves selected objects to the front of any overlapping objects. Unavailable if no objects are selected, or no publication is open.
· Select the back logo.
· Click on modify menu and select on arrange.
· Click on bring to front.
Bring Forward: Moves selected objects to the back of any overlapping objects. Unavailable if no objects are selected or no publication is open.
· Select the back logo.
· Click on Modify menu.
· Select arrange.
· Click on send to back.
Send to Back: Moves selected objects to the back of any overlapping objects. Unavailable if no objects are selected or no publication is open.
· Select the front logo.
· Click on modify menu.
· Select on arrange.
· Click on move to backward.
Send Backward: Moves selected objects up one level in a stack of overlapping objects. Unavailable if no objects are selected or no publication is open.
· Select the front logo.
· Click on modify menu and select on arrange.
· Click on move backward.
3. Align: Show or hide the align panel, which aligns and distributes objects or points I relation to one another or in relation to the page.
· Select the text or document.
· Click on modify menu and click on align.
· Choose the any align style.
· Click on apply.
4. Join: Link two or more paths or connects two endpoints.
· Select corners.
· Click on modify menu and click on join.
5. Split: Split an object into smaller or component paths which is selected the join document.
· Click on modify menu and click on split.
6. Combine:
Blend: Create a number of intermediate steps between two paths, composite paths, or groups.
· Select t he more figures.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on blend.
Join Blend to Path: Use join blend to path to attach a blend to a path.
· Select the more figure.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on join blend to path.
Union: Create a single path from two or more selected, closed paths. Use union to combine two overlapping paths and remove portions of the paths that cross over each other.
· Select the more figure.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on Union.
Intersect: Intersect creates a single path from the portions of selected paths that overlap, removing the remaining portions of the paths. The intersection you create intermits the stroke and fill of the backmost, selected path.
· Select the more figure.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on Intersect.
Pinch: Creates a hole in selected closed paths, through which other objects are visible.
· Select the more figure.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on pinch.
Crop: Crop operates like a cookie cutter on the selected objects. This feature takes two or more objects and crops the bottom paths to the shape of the topmost path in the stacking order.
· Select the more figure.
· Click on modify menu and select combine.
· Click on Crop.
7. Alter Path:
Correct Direction: When used on composite paths, correct direction attempts to ensure that paths inside composite paths run in opposite directions, so the object appears correct if even/odd fill is unchecked in the object inspector.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on correct direction.
Reverse Direction: Reverses the direction of one or more selected paths. Reversing the direction of the path doesn’t alter the shape of a path.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on reverse direction.
Remove Overlap: Removes redundant portions of a selected, closed path that crosses itself.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on remove overlap.
Simplify: Removes or adds points to a path to maintain the same shape using the optimum number of points for efficient editing and printing.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on simplify then type the simplify amount.
· Click on apply and click on ok.
Expend Stock: Converts the perimeter of a specified stroke of a selected path into a closed path.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on expend stock then type the expend stock.
· Click on ok.
Inset Path: Create a second path with the same contours inside or outside the original path, positive values yield paths inset from the original: negative values yield paths outlining the original.
· Click on modify menu then select alter path.
· Click on expend stock then type the step and insect no.
· Click on ok.
8. Lock: Locks selected objects in place on a layer to prevent accidentally moving, modifying, cutting, or deleting them.
· Select the text or document.
· Click on modify menu and click on lock.
9. Unlock: Unlocks a selected, locked object.
· Select the lock logo.
· Click on modify menu and click on unlock.
10. Group: Freezes two or more sele3cted objects or path points in relation to one another. When modifying groups, they act as a single unit, while each object within the group retains its individual attributes.
· Make the logos and select them.
· Click on modify and click on group.
11. Ungroup: Separates a group into individual objects. Ungrouped objects can be individually modified. Ungroup objects created with the rectangle and ellipse tools in order to modify their path points. With groups selected, you can also click on the main toolbar to ungroup objects.
12. Symbol:
Convert to Symbol: This command is a used to convert the text or document from symbol.
· Type the text and make the document.
· Select it.
· Click on modify and click on symbol.
· Click on convert symbol.
Cursor Distance: Enter a value in the arrow key field to specify the distance selected objects move when you press an arrow key on the keyboard. Values are related to the unit of measurement currently selected. Enter a values are related to the unit of measurement currently selected. Enter a value in the shift+arrow key field to specify the incremental instance selected objects move when you press an arrow key while holding the shift key on the keyboard.
· Click on modify and click on cursor distance.
· Set the cursor distance number in the arrow key distance box.
· Click on ok.
Text Menu
1. Font: Lets you select the font for a selected range of text, a default for a single publication, a default for all future publications or the next text you place or type in.
· Type the text and select it.
· Click on text and click on font.
· Choose any one font style.
2. Size: Lets you specify text font size in points for a selected range of text as a default for a single publication, or as a default for all future publications. Use the other command to specify text font size from 4 to 650 points in 0.1 point increments.
· Type the text or document.
· Click on text and click on size.
· Choose any one size style.
3. Type Style: This command is used to change the text from different style like Italic, Plan, and Bold Italic etc.
· Type the text and select it.
· Click on text and click on type style.
· Choose any one command.
4. Effect:
Highlight: Surround the selected text with a gray box.
Inline: Draw an outline ground each letter of the selected text, similar to the effect of Inset path.
Shadow: Create a gray shadow behind the selected text.
Strikethrough: Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Underline: Draw a line below the selected text.
Zoom: Apply a 3D effect on selected text.
5. Align: This command is a used to set the different type of place in the required text form whole command.
6. Leading: Leading in FreeHand is calculated from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the next. When assigning leading from the text menu.
7. Convert Case: This option is used to convert the selected document to UPERCASE, lower case, Sentence case, Title Case and so on.
8. Spelling: This command is used to check the spelling and grammar in the required text.
· Type the text.
· Place the cursor in the beginning text.
· Click on text and click on spelling.
· Click on start.
· Choose any one suggestion then click on change.
· Click on close.
9. Round around Selection: This command is used to insert the bitmap image form round around selection style.
10. Flow:
Inside Path: This command is a used to flow the text form figure inside.
Detach From Path: This command is used to bring the old position which is flow inside path.
Attach to Path: This command is used to convert the text forms the required figure.
11. Convert to Path: This command changes the selected text into editable vector objects.
· Type the text and select it.
· Click on text and click on convert to path.
Xtras Menu
1. Cleanup: This command is used to correct direction, reverse direction, remove overlap and simplify etc as done as modify menu from alter path command.
2. Color: This command is used to increase to decrease in the different types of color in the required figure from whole command which is inserted.
· Select the required figure.
· Click on extras menu.
· Click on color.
· Choose any one color style.
· Set the color position.
· Click on ok.
3. Create: This command is used to blend, emboss or trap as done as modify menu from combine command.
4. Distort:
Add Point: This command is used to add nodes in the required figure.
· Select the required figure.
· Click on extras and click on distort.
· Click on add point.
Fertilize: This command is used to given by the different types of safe in the required figure.
· Make the figure and select it.
· Click on xtras and click on factorize.
5. Path Operations: This command is used to crop, divide, expand stroke, insect pinch, insect, pinch, union, and transparence.
Window Menu
1. New Windows: This command is a used to create the new window screen.
2. Toolbars: This command is used to hide and display the different types of toolbar.
3. Extra Tool: This command is used to create different types of safe form.
4. Extra Operation Tool: This command is used to given by the different types of safe form which can not create from extra tool.
5. Panels: This command is used to display or hide the different types of panels from freehand screen.